Our commitment to you does not end at delivery. We offer the following services to make your return easy and reliable:

60-Day Returns

No questions asked, money back guarantee, to ensure that the items are perfect for you.

100% of your purchases price will be refunded.

Refund time

In most cases, your refund will be processed within seven days of receiving your items at our refund center.

The time the funds back to your card differ on your credit card, typically take 5-10 business days for your credit card company to process. 

We will keep you informed of each step of the refund process, letting you know receipt of your refund goods and issuing of funds back to your card.

Items not eligible for a refund

Used items or outside of 60 days return policy, are not eligible for a refund.

Return Address

When returning items, please secure all merchandise in its original packaging. Please include the gift boxes  as well as all accompanying materials. Please ship your items to:

Zhejiang YongStrio Jewelry Co., Ltd
No.7 Fengcheng Road, Pingyao Town
Yuhang District, Hangzhou
Zhejiang Province, China

Thank you for your interest in YongStrio Pearl.


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